The front cover describes your book as a ‘concise history’ but this is a gross understatement. Every paragraph is a source of detailed information and yet you have achieved a book which is completely readable and in no way ‘heavy’. … Essentailly this book serves as a very readable history of Israel and a comprehensive reference book for use with the Bible.”
Janet and Bob Toy – Merseyside
You write as you speak when guiding – with clarity, informatively, but in a conversational style which makes the subject easily accessible to those with no previous knowledge of it.”
Andy and Margaret Wendels – Nottinghamshire
“Beryl made us feel comfortable from the very beginning, making us feel welcome to her homeland. She helped us understand the feelings and pride of the Jewish people whilst giving us a comprehensive understanding of the religions and politics within the Holy Land … and she had the happy knack of knowing when to give us silence to contemplate individually.”
Sue and David Horton – St. Nicholas’ Church Parish magazine, Chester
“Your ability to weave together geographical, historical, biblical and political situations … made the pilgrimage come alive in a way which I did not expect before I came to Israel.”
Rev Geoff and Sheila Breffitt – St. John the Divine, Chester
…”through your eyes I have learned to see the beauty of your land.
…through your stones I have learned the wonder of your heritage.
…through your soul I have touched the passion and pain of your people,
…through your heart I have come to love your Israel….”
Linda Williams, USA.
…”I really don’t see how a person can be a believing Christian (or Jew) and not return from the Holy Land changed in some mysterious way…as I offer the sacrifice of the Mass, or when I am alone in my room reading and pondering the Holy Scriptures in my personal devotions…I am transported back to Israel. You can’t imagine how much my visit to Israel has deepened my own faith, my preaching and my ministry…and you were so much a part of that whole beautiful experience…your warmth, your personality, and you sensitivity to our needs as Catholic pilgrims…I will never forget you…”
Rev. Fr. Robert L. Becerra, USA.
…”you have been a faithful guide and shepherdess! You have gone out of your way to make things more meaningful for the group. I end this pilgrimage with a sense that I have been educated in the understanding of the scriptures…”
Bro. Leo L’Heureux OMI, Canada.
…”the group not only had a wonderful time but went away having learnt a tremendous amount about Israel and their Jewish roots…”
Ramah Programs, USA
…”somehow you were able to take us beyond the visible ruins to catch a glimpse and understanding of the significance and the essence of the events surrounding the walls and stones…”
Bernadette Levesque, Canada
…”as a family we had a most wonderful experience in Israel and it’s a constant source of reflection for all of us…”
Cyril Waynik, USA
…”Beryl was extremely sensitive to the religious dimension of our trip and we found her to be respectful of our Roman Catholic faith …she added to the spiritual nature of our trip by offering Scriptural stories and references to supplement those we had chosen…”
Sr. Jane Lyons CIJ, USA
…”the knowledge that I have received from you has begun to reach true understanding, of the Bible, of the land, of the Jews and the mixed cultures in this Holy Land…your honesty and integrity just exude from you…”
Sarah Savage, USA
…”the oneness which she allowed to develop amongst us fused the group together. The love she had for the group and her excellent knowledge strengthened the bond day by day…
Rose Mtonga, Zambia
…”as a child I remember that Jews were difficult to get on with. Why did Jesus choose this people as his chosen people and even become one himself when he came to earth? Jerusalem and the Jews. I wanted to see for myself and I did – through your eyes and your heart. You have taught me to love Israel – not just Jerusalem. And you have taught me to love her people in loving you…although not a Christian yourself, you honored our belief in Jesus and the New Testament…”
Pinky Bratton, USA