After a long break, Points to Ponder is back bringing you, the thoughtful and discerning reader, food for thought, food for thought and not political polemics, by presenting articles and TV clips you might not have seen in your local media.

I hope you will find them illuminating.

The last few weeks have been very difficult here in Israel. The kidnapping of three young Israelis, Gilad Shaar, Naftali Frenkel and Eyal Yifrach by Hamas terrorists united us all in prayer for their safety while most of the world stood by in silence, even when their bodies were discovered over more than a fortnight later.

Thousands attended the funeral as the three lads were laid to rest, side by side, but not one called for revenge, reprisal or retaliation. The Palestinian leadership however celebrated and endorsed the kidnapping of Israelis. Fatah continues to celebrate kidnapping

The brutal murder of Mohammed Abu Khdeir, apparently by a group of severely disturbed youths, was immediately denounced and condemned by Israelis in all walks of life, from the Prime Minister onwards. Suddenly the silent world found its voice – to censure Israel.

Throughout Israel, Israeli Arabs began rioting, egged on by the Israeli Arab members of Knesset (in this supposedly apartheid country!!) who should be at the forefront of trying to calm their constituents. Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah heats up confrontational atmosphere

Palestinian terrorism does not exist in a vacuum. It is taught to Arab children at schools and via the TV. It is preached in the mosques and praised by even the ‘moderate’ PM Abbas. Abbas’ advisor calls to murder

Kay Wilson, who was left for dead after she and a friend were attacked by terrorists, has written of her blood-curdling experience. She now has to face her attacker in court.


Taking advantage of the mayhem caused by rampaging Arabs throwing rocks and Molotov cocktails, destroying property and hindering traffic on main roads, the terrorist organisations in the Gaza Strip, led by Hamas, decided to increase the dribble of rockets and missiles they fired into Israel.

Israeli declarations that only “quiet would be met with quiet” seemed to be the same idle threat that had been coming from Israel during these last weeks of rockets in the south. Hamas increased the intensity and the range of their rockets. Summer camp activities have been disrupted and the sirens have been sending people all over the country, including six of my grandchildren, to their secure rooms or bomb shelters.

This time the government decided, after lengthy deliberations, to go on the offensive. And that is where we are now, attempting to smash Hamas once and for all.


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